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snippet: This map depicts the current status of Groundwater Reserve determinations for South Africa ranging from 2010 up to 2018, it shows where the groundwater Reserves are that have been approved and at what level the Reserve was conducted (Desktop, Rapid , Intermediate or Comprehensive) as defined by the Directorate: Reserve Determination. Where Quaternary catchments are shaded it serves only as an indication that one or more Reserve has been approved within that catchment, and should\not be interpreted as representative of the entire area.
summary: This map depicts the current status of Groundwater Reserve determinations for South Africa ranging from 2010 up to 2018, it shows where the groundwater Reserves are that have been approved and at what level the Reserve was conducted (Desktop, Rapid , Intermediate or Comprehensive) as defined by the Directorate: Reserve Determination. Where Quaternary catchments are shaded it serves only as an indication that one or more Reserve has been approved within that catchment, and should\not be interpreted as representative of the entire area.
extent: [[16.451878714,-34.834417414],[32.8918533330001,-22.124479294]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Feature Service","ArcGIS Server","Feature Access","providerSDS"]
title: RDM Groundwater Reserve Status_WFL1
type: Feature Service
tags: ["#DWS Base Maps","#RDM","#Groundwaer Reserve Status"]
culture: en-ZA
name: RDM_Groundwater_Reserve_Status_WFL1
guid: 11F7A3A9-FBA9-458B-BAE9-048608B1140B
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere